So as I was leaving for work I noticed that my sunflower I planted had bloomed and deserved a photo op. I took the pic and got in my car to head to work. I looked back at the flower and made this statement. "You sure took your time growing!" As soon as it came out of my mouth I heard the Holy Spirit say, "And that's OK" It caught me off guard at first. And then I heard "Did you yell at the flower while it was growing because you wanted to see it grow faster? No. Did you get mad at the flower for taking so long? No. You just waited till it produced what it was intended to produce and then you enjoyed its beauty." Now this isn't the biggest sunflower but its beauty is like none other I have ever seen.
So many times in our journey and walk we are looked down on for our pace. How many of you have ever felt belittled or disappointed in because of someone else looking down on you because you were not at the level they thought you should be at. How many times did we feel discouraged because we weren't living up to someone else's par list. We have all been uniquely created and just as the different flowers God created will grow and bloom at different paces, we must realize that we are the same. Did you know that their are flowers that can take years to grow and bloom once in the life of the flowers? What if, by our words, we shut someone down who was designed for a once in a lifetime bloom and they never reach the fullness of what God has for them.
So here is my two part call to action. One, let us remember that all God's creations grow at different paces and it is our responsibility as fellow believers to encourage them and help them get to that day. Be patient and loving always lending a helping hand not a hand of judgement. Be ready to wait and see the beauty that is displayed once they do bloom. Second, do not allow the words of others to deter you from continuing to grow in the things of God. Renounce and rebuke any curses spoken over you and declare those assignments are broken. Hold on to the promises of God. Lay aside disappointments and discouragement and press on to the day you bloom as God designed YOU to and show off the beauty of His majesty!!!
good word...growth is a process. Give grace for the process and enjoy the fruit along the way.