Sunday, July 10, 2016

God is Redemption

God is Redemption.

Over the next few posts I really feel like Yahweh is pressing me to talk about some of the natures of Himself that have been lost or forgotten in large by the body of Christ. 

The first characteristic is Redemption. 

God revealed Himself in many ways to Abraham. More than any other person in history Abraham was shown and declared the Lord to be many things. One of the aspects we can learn about in the life of Abraham is that God is Redemption. You may notice I do not say God can redeem and I don't say He is a God of redemption but that God is Redemption. We must stop taking the nature of Christ and turning it into something He can do. IT IS HIS NATURE, not something He can do but IT IS WHO HE IS. When healing comes forth it is because He has poured out Himself. When you get one aspect you get them all! You just have to recognize them all and receive them all! Back to redemption.

So many times we forget about Gods redemption. Let's look at the life of Abraham. Abraham received a promise that He would become the father of many nations. One problem. Sarah his wife could not have a child. So Abraham thought he needed to help God out. He decided to have a child with his handmaiden. In case you didn't know that was not God's plan. Here is where God's redemption kicks in. 

In todays modern Church most people would quit, retire to the idea that they screwed up and messed up God's plan. Most would go on with regret and live the rest of their life knowing that they missed God's plan. But what did Abraham do? He learned the nature of redemption. Abraham learned that no matter what he had done God was ready to redeem him through his mistakes. He activated the redemption power of Yahweh and God caused Sarah's womb to open up and conceive Isaac.  

No matter what you have done or the mistakes you have made, remember that God is Redemption. He will bring back to you everything the enemy has stolen and everything you may have forfeited by default by your decisions. Yahweh sees you through the blood of His son and is ready to redeem everything lost. Remember His covenant with Abraham. He is Redemption.