Friday, May 6, 2016

Fight or Flight

One of the things that I really enjoy doing is listening. When I am sitting by myself at store, enjoying a coffee at a barista, mainly anywhere I go I listen. I listen to people talking. I listen the sounds around me. You could say that I am a very observant person. I'm not trying to eavesdrop but I pick up on the conversations around me. I have, through the years, discovered one alarming thing. The average american has lost the ability to fight. Now, I'm not talking about physically fighting but the act of standing up for what you believe in and standing your ground.

The closer we get to the next political election the more I hear people joke, or at least I think they are, about leaving the country depending on who wins. Sadly I have heard people who call themselves believers saying the same things. As if leaving this country is going to magically fix things. 

Put religion and faith aside and we still have a culture of americans who have had their fight response sabotaged and hardwired to flight. We can see this everyday in the yelpers who automatically yell injustice every time someone disagrees with them. What happened from the generation that hit the World Wars head on and fought to help establish peace across the globe? What happened from then till now to cause the majority of our nation to have no ability to fight?

I can't answer those questions with absolute answers but I can tell you this. 

I believe that Yahweh is raising up a new generation that will be trained to stand and fight against the evil one. There is a next generation army arising out of the ashes that will shake off every thing we thought we knew. It is going to be equipped to advance His kingdom not the ideals of man. It is going to operate and function in the power and anointing that the first church operated in. An army is arising! Are you going to take your place? Don't back down! Don't back up! Endure to the end!

Join the Army